Peter Perlman Service Awards
The Peter Perlman Service Awards recognize Fellows of the Litigation Counsel of America and others within the legal profession who contribute in meaningful ways to society by giving back their time and resources in an effort to improve the lives of others. The award is supported and sponsored by Peter Perlman, the 2013 President of the LCA.
Peter Perlman Service Awards are presented throughout the year whenever the efforts and contributions of recipients are noted by the LCA or its membership. Nominations are accepted on a continual basis.
In the words of Peter Perlman, “The profession of law not only allows us to advocate on behalf of those whose rights need to be protected, but gives us a platform to improve the quality of life for those not engaged in the legal system. The betterment of society, the environment, and our way of life, improvement of the positions of people who have faced challenges outside their control, and effecting change on behalf of those without a strong voice are all causes we should take on as professionals as we work within one of the very pillars of our government. The practice of law is what we do, but our opportunities to protect and defend transcend the profession.”
Recipients of the Peter Perlman Service Awards are as follows:
Sheryl Axelrod
The Axelrod Firm, PC
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Andrew Berger
Leichtman Law PLLC
New York, New York
Cathy J. Beveridge
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
Tampa, Florida
R. Daniel Boyce
Nexsen Pruet
Raleigh, North Carolina
Alan K. Brubaker, Emeritus
Wingert, Grebing, Brubaker & Juskie, LLP
San Diego, California
Cedric C. Chao
Chao ADR, PC
San Francisco, California
Andrew J. Goodman
Foster Garvey PC
New York, New York
Justice Karen F. Green
Massachusetts Superior Court
Boston, Massachusetts
Edward F. Hennessey, IV
Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A.
Charlotte, North Carolina
Joseph J. Khan
Bucks County Solicitor
Doylestown, Pennsylvania
J. Philip Kirchner
Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Alice M. Morical
Hoover Hull Turner LLP
Indianapolis, Indiana
Thomas J. Rechen
McCarter & English, LLP
Hartford, Connecticut
T. Morgan Ward, Jr.
Stites & Harbison, PLLC
Louisville, Kentucky
Charles R. Wilbanks, Jr.
Wilbanks and Dowd
Clinton, Mississippi
Adam Arceneaux
Ice Miller LLP
Indianapolis, Indiana
Read his biography
Jonathan S. Caplan
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
New York, New York
Gary S. Chilton
Holladay & Chilton, PLLC
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Michael D. Ehrenstein
Coral Gables, Florida
Joseph M. Fasi II, Emeritus
Fasi & DiBello, P.A.
Miami, Florida
Judith Hull
McKenzie Lake Lawyers
London, Ontario
Emilia A. Quesada
Sanchez-Medina, Gonzalez, Quesada, Lage, Gomez & Machado, LLP
Miami, Florida
Deborah Race
Deborah Race-Attorney at Law
Tyler, Texas
Richard G. Sander, Emeritus
Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P.
Denver, Colorado
Hala A. Sandridge
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
Tampa, Florida
Jonathan D. Sasser
Ellis & Winters LLP
Raleigh, North Carolina
Frank Scruggs
Frank Scruggs, P.A.
Boca Raton, Florida
Cynthia L. Alexander
Dickinson Wright PLLC
Las Vegas, Nevada
Victor R. Anderson, III, Emeritus
Thompson, Coe, Cousins & Irons, LLP
Los Angeles, California
Ceci Culpepper Berman
Brannock & Humphries
Tampa, Florida
David R. Scheidemantle
Scheidemantle Law Group P.C.
Pasadena, California
Sara Jane Shanahan
Sherin and Lodgen LLP
Boston, Massachusetts
Melanie V. Slaton
Hall Booth Smith, P.C.
Columbus, Georgia

Samuel H. Franklin, Emeritus
Lightfoot, Franklin & White, LLC
Birmingham, Alabama
Marion F. Walker
Fisher & Phillips LLP
Birmingham, Alabama
Benny Agosto, Jr.
Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner
Houston, Texas
Dennis W. Archer
Dickinson Wright PLLC
Detroit, Michigan
Carol J. Bernick, Emeritus
Oregon State Bar Professional Liability Fund
Portland, Oregon
David Bernstein, Emeritus
David Bernstein Attorney at Law
Norman, Oklahoma
Donald A. Blackwell
Bowman & Brooke, LLP
Miami, Florida
Jay S. Blumenkopf
Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, LLP
Boca Raton, Florida
Jeffrey L. Bornstein
Rosen Bien Galvan & Grunfeld LLP
San Francisco, California
Roger W. Clark
Roger W. Clark Mediation
Santa Monica, California
The Honorable Robert G. Flanders, Jr.
Whelan Corrente & Flanders LLP
Providence, Rhode Island
Jennifer Friend
Project Hope Alliance
Costa Mesa, California
Warren E. George, Jr., Emeritus
The Prison Law Office
Berkeley, California
Loretta P. Merritt
Torkin Manes LLP
Toronto, Ontario
Stephen G. Morrison (1949-2013)
Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
Columbia, South Carolina
Lea Carol Owen
Brentwood, Tennessee
Howard R. Reiss, Emeritus
Reiss Sheppe LLP
New York, New York
William T. Robinson III (1945-2017)
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Florence, Kentucky
Dean Rita A. Sheffey
Emory University School of Law
Atlanta, Georgia
Larry D. Smith, Emeritus
Southern Trial Counsel | PLC
Orlando, Florida
Dennis G. Terez
Dennis G. Terez, Attorney at Law
Beachwood, Ohio
Victor D. Vital
Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
Dallas, Texas
Kathleen T. Zellner
The Law Offices of Kathleen T. Zellner & Associates
Chicago, Illinois